Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Acoustic Bass Guitar

The acoustic bass guitar is not often the first choice of young and new musicians, but it is one that a few might pick up later on, because it can be very The sound is sometimes preferred over the electric bass and is one that is being picked up more and more. It may be a younger instrument, but there is still a lot of room for the acoustic bass guitar. It is possibly in these genres where the acoustic bass guitar will find more use.

In much of modern music, the electric guitar and the electric bass are more often used, but some genres of music still call for the acoustic guitars. It may not exactly be growing fast in popularity, but it does suit a purpose and is used when it is most appropriate. The acoustic bass guitar was first created in the 1960s and has been in use ever since. The pickups are what amplify the sound of the acoustic bass guitar. This is why they will often have to be played while using pickups, this way it can be heard above the other instruments it is being played with.

It is lower, so it can be difficult to hear. Some of these will have frets, just like the acoustic guitar, but some don't have them and it usually only has four strings, though there are some that have more strings. Like the acoustic guitar, the acoustic bass guitar is made with a hollow body instead of a solid one and is a little larger in size.

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