Monday, July 5, 2010

Beginner Guitar Chords

Let's take a look at G major, which contains the notes G, B, and D: Open strings are shown with a '0' in front of the first fret. We'll start with open chords, which means that one or more open (as in not fretted) strings are included. Each chord diagram below shows you where each string should be fretted, and with what finger.

Learning guitar chords like these will open up a whole world of music for you. We'll start by focusing on five major chords: C, A, G, E, and D. Major Chords Major chords are based on major scales and use the first, third, and fifth notes of the scale. Let's start with major chords.

While some songs use only one kind of chord, most songs and chord progressions mix major and minor chords. Major chords are built from major scales and have a 'happy' sound, while minor chords come from minor scales and tend have a 'sad' sound. Every possible chord can be lumped into one of these two types. Different Flavors You'll learn guitar chords of all kinds, but ultimately there are two basic kinds of chords in music: major and minor. These can also be used right away to learn easy guitar songs.

While there are literally thousands of different chord forms possible on the guitar, we'll focus on a few basic beginner guitar chords that can then be moved and altered to obtain many more chords later on. One of the first skills you'll need to master as a guitar player is playing chords.

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